About Us

We are Orthodox Christians and this is meant to be a guide to help inform those who are looking for the original Christian Church or those who have grown tired of the ever changing values of the Protestant movement.  These are the cliff-notes to Orthodoxy so to speak, in an effort to help others find the Orthodox Church.

I’ve heard it said that the Orthodox Church doesn’t find you, you find the Orthodox Church. That is because it is filled with those people who had problems with the brand of Christianity they were being taught or in which they were raised. People who felt something was wrong with what they were being taught. I remember my journey to Orthodoxy and it would not have happened if someone hadn’t said to me, “you know the original Christian Church still exists right?”

I had become discouraged with Christianity. I had logical problems with what I was taught and I bounced from church to church, only to eventually give up looking for a church. I became what I refer to as a “Homeless Christian”. My friend was concerned for me and my children and when I explained why I no longer went to church, he asked me “you know the original Christian Church still exists right?” And he told me to investigate the Orthodox Christian Church.

So friend, I now in turn am asking you.  You know the original Christian Church still exists right? I’m not surprised if your answer is the same as mine was, “no”. I have said for years now that the Orthodox Church needs a better P.R. manager because nobody knows about it. The truth is, most Westerners don’t know about it, but in fact, it is the second largest denomination of Christianity. But it is not a denomination because it is the original Church!!

We simply want to make sure that people know about the Orthodox Church so they can seek it out in their own communities.

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